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Lime and Mineral Deposits – Make a Withdrawal!

Nov 01, 2016

Is it just me, or do those horrible mineral deposits that end up on your faucets or near your drain just drive you nuts?  Why can’t they make cleaning products to get rid of these things?mineral-sink

However, I do remember my Grandmother coming over to visit and these stain marks and deposits vanishing, so I called her up.  “Grandma,” I asked, “where did all those marks go that were in the bathroom sink?”  She lovingly replied, “Vinegar.”

Vinegar?!  That’s it?  No expensive remedy from the store?  I was shocked.  Grandmas are good at this sort of thing, though.  Glad I called her.

So here’s Grandma’s remedy for getting rid of these marks in your sinks and tubs:

  1. Pour some white vinegar over the spot you wish to clean.
  2. Wrap toilet tissue round or cover with plastic to allow the vinegar to work, and add a bit of extra vinegar to the tissue.
  3. Rinse thoroughly, rub with a non-abrasive cloth to finish.

And ta-da!  It’s like Grandma’s just come to visit!

Good luck with your sinks!

~Justin and the ACC Team