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We Keep Things Organized

  • Is it just me, or do those horrible mineral deposits that end up on your faucets or near your drain just drive you nuts?  Why can't they make cleaning products to get rid of these things? However, I do remember my Grandmother coming over to visit and these stain marks and deposits vanishing, so I called her up.  "Grandma," I asked, "where did all those marks go that were in the bathroom sink?"  She lovingly replied, "Vinegar." Vinegar?!  That's it?  No expensive remedy from the store?  I was shocked.  Grandmas are good at this sort of thing, though.  Glad I called her. So here's Grandma's remedy for getting rid of these marks in your sinks and tubs: Pour some white

    Nov 01,
  • Hey everyone, Justin here with an idea of how to help clean ketchup and any other gel-based stains from your carpet. As it turns out, we can't be there at every turn when you spill something (although, if you phone us, we'll come!) So, in order to minimize the time for that ketchup to soak into your brand-new carpet, as these spills usually go, here's a video we found to help.

    May 17,
  • Yes, we know all about those moments when it seems that your animal self-destructs and your left with something nobody wants on their rug or carpet. Animal soiling in any form can leave a horrid mess that stinks and stains. We are certainly familiar with this phenomenon as we had a dog - a German shepherd / lab mix - who ate just about anything he could get in his mouth and soon after would deposit it somewhere on the carpet. My apologies for being graphic. What you want to know is, "What do I do?" Step 1: Get as much of the offending material out of the carpet as soon as you can. This is the most crucial point in

    Mar 06,